At its annual meeting on January 27, 2022, the Board of DCACDL recognized Taylor Dunn as the 2021 Person of the Year.

The mission of the Delaware County Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is to protect and promote the fundamental constitutional rights of criminal defendants and the interest of defense counsel in Delaware County. The Person of the Year Award recognizes the individual who best exemplifies those values through his/her contributions to the defense bar and the criminal justice system in Delaware County. This year, the board recognized the contributions of Taylor Dunn, an individual who has shown great fortitude as a defense attorney during a global pandemic. Not only has Taylor been steadfast in his pursuit of justice for his clients but has been a monumental asset to the Board of DCACDL and the defense bar. He has been instrumental in opening the lines of communication between the defense bar and the new administration in both the PD and DA’s office and continuously shows the commitment of a dedicated and trusted public servant.
Taylor has been with the public defender’s office for ten years and is currently the chief of the pretrial division. He has been a member of DCACDL for ten years and has served as the PD’s designated representative to the board for over six years. In addition to being a mentor to younger attorneys, Taylor is always the first to update the board and the defense bar of late breaking case law and strategies for defense. He has worked tirelessly to bridge the divide between the public defender’s office and the private defense bar as well as assisted in the creation of diversionary programs alongside our colleagues in the DA’s office. We thank Taylor for his continued service and look forward to continuing to work with him to achieve justice on behalf of all our clients.